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Sharing Culture and Celebrating Expressions of Who We Are

Learning first-hand about one another’s perspectives, experiences and cultures provides students with deeper connections to the world around them. What follows is a recent snapshot of just some of the joyful events and activities in our schools that honour and celebrate diversity and culture.

Nowruz Celebrations

At Byrne Creek Community School, festivities, music, and dance were enjoyed as students gathered for Nowruz. Associated with a variety of traditions, Nowruz also marks the arrival of spring. At Twelfth Avenue Elementary, Nowruz celebrations were planned by families and District staff from the team.

Holi Festival of Colours

Big smiles were shared by students at ΞΆΓάΘ¦ North Secondary, as they threw multicoloured pigments at one another to mark Holi. One of the most popular festivals in Hinduism, the festival of colours is celebrated by millions across multiple continents, marking the beginning of spring.

Annual Diversity Dance

More than 120 youth attended the Diversity Dance, which was back on for the first time since the pandemic began. Held at Byrne Creek Community School, the event is hosted by the District’s Sexual Orientation and Gender Identity Committee. In the spirit of celebrating diversity and inclusivity, the dance is open to all high school students.


Posted March 2023