Youth Support Services: Safe & Caring Schools

The Safe and Caring Schools team works to support safe and supportive learning environments for our students. This includes response to critical incidents, substance abuse, violence, threats, intimidation and bullying behaviours. The team also works closely with the RCMP in developing school and police protocols. Read the ΞΆΓάΘ¦ Schools Code of Conduct.

Our highly skilled and trained counsellors and service providers support students who have been identified as having high risk behaviours or are disengaging from school and are at risk of dropping out. The inter-disciplinary team also develops and implements a number of substance abuse prevention programs and training.

All ΞΆΓάΘ¦ Secondary Schools have a designated Safe Schools Specialist. Their focus is to create safe, caring and orderly schools. They assist administrators, staff, students, parents and members of the community in developing positive, proactive approaches, which enhance the safety and well-being of everyone in our schools and communities. See our District Directory to contact yourΒ Safe Schools Specialist (SSS).

The ΞΆΓάΘ¦ RCMP Youth Section assist ΞΆΓάΘ¦ Schools and the surrounding community to enhance safety for youth. Designated Youth Section officers work collaboratively and proactively with members of the school community in dealing with police-related issues.

At a provincial level, the Ministry of Education has relaunched its . In addition to bullying and violence prevention, the new erase site includes information and resources on online safety, mental well-being, substance use and sexual orientation and gender identity (SOGI).