

When is the application due?

Applications for ΢Ȧ’s Industry Training Program are due in the Spring. These deadlines can shift year to year depending on the District Calendar.
Please visit the Career Centre at your school to learn the application deadline for this school year.

Where do I hand in my application?

Applications should be submitted to your Career Education Advisor (the teachers in your school’s Career Centre)

The application asks for my PEN number – what is that?

Your PEN number is your Personal Education Number. It is different from your student number. You can find your PEN number in your MyEducation.ca account. (click on the Family tab at the top, then click on your name – your PEN number is listed under Details / Demographics) It is also on the top of your Report Card.

Should I take a program in grade 11 or grade 12?

Some programs may work better in your grade 12 year. You should speak with both your Counsellor (to ensure you have all your graduation requirements) and your Career Education Advisor (the Career Centre teachers) to plan out the best pathway for you.

Can International students apply?

International students are eligible to participate in any of our District’s Industry Connect or Industry Certification programs. International Students are not able to participate in our Trades Training Programs. If you are an International student, please contact us directly to discuss your eligibility.

How competitive are the District Programs to get into?

It really varies year to year, and program to program, depending on how many students apply. To give yourself the best chance of getting in we suggest you apply for Grade 11, and if you don’t get in, you can re-apply for Grade 12.

If there are more applicants than available spots, do only the students with the best grades get in?

NO. We are looking for the students who are the best fit for the specific program they are applying for. We want to ensure students are really interested the program and get the most they can out of it.

My grades/attendance are not very good, but I am really interested in a particular program. Should I even bother to apply?

YES! We recognize that there are various reasons a student’s academic record or attendance may be negatively affected. For some students these programs are exactly what they need to re-engage in school. You can expect that you will be asked in your interview about your commitment moving forward. As long as you are prepared to put forward your best effort you have an equal chance of being accepted into a program.


Are there any specific classes I need to take before I can complete a program?

There are no specific pre-requisites for any of the programs; however, you may need a certain level of math proficiency in order to be successful in some of the Trades programs. Speak to your Career Education Advisor (Career Centre teacher) if you have questions or concerns.


Does everyone who applies get an interview?

YES! As long as you hand in an application you are guaranteed and interview.

When will the interview take place?

Interviews are usually conducted in April and May. You will be contacted ahead of time to confirm your interview date and time.

Who will interview me?

You interview will likely be with the program teacher and/or the District Career Education Consultant, Paul Arthur. A Career Education Advisor may also be involved in the interview process.


When will I find out if I have been accepted into a program?

Confirmation of acceptance to a program usually happens in May or June. Everyone who applies will be contacted. If you have not heard anything by the end of regular classes in June please see your Career Education Advisor in the Career Centre at your school.


Course selection –when I fill out the course selection form at my school do I include the program I have applied for?

No. Fill out your course selection as if the District Progams do not exist. Once you are accepted into a program your school Counsellor will adjust your schedule.

If I am accepted into a program how do I get my timetable changed?

Your school Counsellor will adjust your timetable. You should connect with your Counsellor after you have been accepted.

Trades Programs

I want to work part time in a trade while I go to University, can I still complete a program if I  want to work part time?

YES. We encourage all students who are interested in working in a Trade to apply.

Do I need to complete all the levels of trades training before I can work in a specific industry?

No. Once you have completed Level 1 you can work as a Level 1 apprentice. For more information about apprenticeship go to :


Can I take a District Program after I graduate?

Graduated school-aged students are eligible to enrol in ΢Ȧ School District Youth Train in Trades Programs ( programs operated by the ΢Ȧ School Board NOT a Post-secondary Institution).  A student is “school-aged” until the end of the school year (June 30) in which they turn 19.

Are there any Fees for these programs?

The School District covers the cost of program tuition. Some programs will require additional personal supplies, which students will be required to pay for. All of these personal tools or materials belong to the student, and remain with them as they continue their educational journey. Please visit the program page for information about required materials.

How are fees collected for personal equipment and/or manuals?

Payment for program fees are collected through School Cash Online. If necessary, alternate arrangements can be arranged.

I have specific questions or concerns about fee payment.

Please contact the District Program Consultant if you have specific concerns regarding payment.

Can I take more than one program?

You can only take one Trades program while in high school, however, you may apply to more than one Industry or Technology program. (ie. you could take Robotics (Mechatronics) in Grade 11 and Construction Electrician in Grade 12, or Palo Alto Cyber Security in Grade 11 and CISCO Networking in Grade 12).

I am already working as an apprentice in a trade, can I get high school credit for this?

YES! Please speak to your Career Education Advisor in the Career Centre at your school and they can help you explore this option.

I am currently attending school in another school district, can I apply to one of these programs?

You will need to transfer to a ΢Ȧ school to apply.

For more information…

Please email career.education@burnabyschools.ca